U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) have been deployed intensively in recent years, and this is ...
This analysis of the new Blended Retirement System (BRS) finds that it can sustain U.S. Army Rese...
A 'rule of thumb' is set forth that communications planners can use in making efficient satellite...
This report documents efforts to implement a capability for the U.S. Department of Defense to ass...
Researchers extend RAND's dynamic retention model for Defense Department civil service workers, a...
Assembles the latest available data on recruiting, retention, and military versus civilian pay, a...
Increases in major airline hiring could cause Air Force pilot shortfalls. The authors analyzed su...
This report assesses the effects of the Blended Retirement System on military retention and conti...
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) needs accurate models to develop retention policies that ensure the for...
Military compensation is a pillar of the all-volunteer force. Its importance is such that it is r...
This project examined the extent of cross-leveling during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, the rea...
This report documents analyses of two ways to supplement the traditional Air Force pilot career p...