Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury (668-90), was a monk of Greek origin and extraordinary learnin...
In the present volume, the two essays that frame the book provide exciting insight into the menta...
This volume illustrates some of the exciting paths of enquiry in Anglo-Saxon studies.
The principal emphasis of this book is the relationship between England and its neighbours in the...
This volume brings to light material evidence to further our knowledge of Anglo-Saxon England.
In 2002, a fragmentary homiliary containing exegetical homilies for the Sundays after Pentecost, ...
The essays in this volume throw light on the literacy of Anglo-Saxon England.
This volume looks at the charters of mid tenth-century English kings, an important primary source...
This volume includes an important assessment of the correspondence of St Boniface.
This updated edition has been thoroughly revised to take account of recent scholarship and includ...
The cardinal role of Anglo-Saxon libraries in the transmission of classical and patristic literat...
Anglo-Saxon England encourages an interdisciplinary approach to the study of all aspects of Anglo...