This is the sequel to Aramaic Language Chaldean Dialect that Professor Bazzi uses in his modern A...
Classical Aramaic is an elementary primer teaching the ancient Aramaic language. Fr. Bazzi and Dr...
In this hardback, English edition of The Life of Tilkpemaye. Fr. Bazzi takes his reader on a 12-m...
Life of Tilkepnaye (Arabic Aramaic English) is a summary of life in the village of Tilkepe. Iraq ...
This book gives a basic overview of Modern Aramaic in the Chaldean Dialogue. Professor Bazzi has ...
This book is a tool that will provide the student with the modern version of the oldest spoken la...
Chaldean Nation shares the adventure of the Chaldean people from ancient Mesopotamia to the moder...
The town of Tilkepe is 10 kilometers north of Mosul, Iraq. This book contains original research d...
This book is a compendium of the actual dispersion of the Chaldean peoplewritten by a loyal and c...
Classical Aramaic II is a continuation of the teaching by Fr. Michael Bazzi and Dr. Rocco Errico ...
Learn the Aramaic dialect of Jesus. This college textbook helps the student learn the basics of t...
The text of this book is in Aramaic and English. The last book in Aramaic came out great. Thank y...