'Unter den Gesetzen, nach denen unser Weltall in allen seinen Teilen regiert wird, gibt es keines...
This is the third of seven volumes of 'Experimental Notes' made by Michael Faraday during the yea...
The Chemical History of a Candle - a course of lectures delivered by Michael Faraday
This vintage book contains Michael Faraday's 1832 treatise, 'Experimental Researches In Electrici...
Author names not noted above: Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Simon Newcomb, Sir Archibald Gei...
Originally published between 1839 and 1855, this three-volume collection represents a comprehensi...
Excerpt: ...and will continue so for a long time. As long as we supply oxygen, so long can we car...
Experimental Researches in Electricity Volume 1
'As I wake in the wee hours of the morning my chest is pounding with sweat dripping from my body ...
Course Of Six Lectures On The Various Forces Of Matter, And Their Relations To Each Otherhas been...
This book is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS series. The creators of this series are united by pas...