Doc Savage is the prototype of the modern fictional superhero. The character exploded onto the sc...
This is a critical overview of monster magazines from the 1950s through the 1970s. 'Monster magaz...
During the 20th century, two revolutions swept rural Mexico: the Mexican Revolution and the Green...
From Vampira to Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, female horror movie hosts have long been a staple o...
Businesses today want actionable insights into their data-they want their data to reveal itself t...
This filmography (including television and music video appearances) chronicles the career of Caro...
A pioneering 'horror-punk' band, the Misfits are legends in their own time. This discography tell...
Ingrid Pitt, icon of horror cinema: her life and career. Full cast and production credits, synops...
The Hammer studio is best known for its horror film output from the mid-1950s through the 1970s. ...
'Michael Cotter's stories ring with universal truths and values common to every society, whether ...
An inside look at Michael Henry Heim—one of the most prolific and culturally important translator...
The years 1930 to 1970 were a time of rapid change in the American farming industry. Following Wo...