Over the past years, a lively cooperation has been developed between Catholic and Protestant Miss...
In the third book of the Karen Hayes series, an elderly nursing home resident, who was once an Ol...
A mystery novel in the Karen Hayes series previously published in hardcover by Bridgeworks, now i...
Arthur Winslow, the successful CEO of a Midwest hospital, begins an affair with a beautiful hospi...
Michael Biehl's first two novels, mysteries featuring medical law, were highly critically acclaim...
Mission cannot ignore its engagement with power. Christian mission is unavoidably located within ...
The Edinburgh 2010 study process is unique. Set up to mark the centenary of the World Missionary ...
This volume deals with religion and church today, in light of the secularized contexts in Europe....
Is Richard Robinson insane? Or is the CIA really after him?Noah Baker is a smart young corporate ...
Kerux Commentaries enable pastors and teachers to understand and effectively present the main mes...
How do Christological Perspectives differ and which specific ways of witnessing Christ exist depe...