This groundbreaking edition merges print, and online formats into one convenient package, providi...
For grades 7 & up! This best-selling bilingual, bidirectional dictionary is designed to help user...
Webster's Third New International Dictionary is a landmark in lexicography, one that sets the sta...
New Edition! The book that millions of SCRABBLE players consider the only necessary resource. Mor...
An easy-to-use, alphabetical guide for creating rhymes. Features 67,000 words with rhyming sounds...
'Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary'--Cover.
Diccionario monolingüe en idioma inglés que contiene más de 80.000 definiciones, 55.000 palabras,...
'More than 50,000 clear, concise translations provide coverage of basic vocabulary and idioms to ...
A compact bilingual, bi-directional guide to Spanish and American English designed for 3-ring bin...
For grades 5 & up! More than 22,500 words and concepts in Spanish and English. More than 8,000 hi...
'Completely revised and updated'--Cover.
'This volume has been updated with the addition of about 275 new entries. Front matter and alpha ...