'Aromatë e Indisë: Receta Autentike për Të Shijuar Magjinë e Kuzhinës Indiane' është një libër ga...
Edgy and wickedly funny, this is exciting debut novel that will have readers engaged and entertai...
A book about 25 global women leaders would be remarkable by itself. The fact that it is written b...
This book presents a timely review of the latest advances in rhizosphere biology, which have been...
This book presents a timely review of the latest advances in rhizosphere biology, which have been...
This edited volume is the first book that explicitly explains the link between the extraordinaril...
Maak kennis met de betoverende wereld van de Indiase keuken met het nieuwe kookboek van auteur Ma...
In this present investigation, twelve hybrids' germplasms of tomato were evaluated under modified...
The present investigation entitled 'Genetic evaluation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) hybrid...
This edited volume is the first book that explicitly explains the link between the extraordinaril...
Footprints of a Queer History: Life Stories from Gujarat