These intriguing tales by Maya Mitra Das take us on wildly imaginative journeys to exotic and som...
The verses of Maya Mitra Das plumb the alchemy of primeval moons and mist-wrapped mountains; delv...
Poet and short story writer Maya Mitra Das was born in India and came to the U.S. in 1973. She st...
La poète et écrivain courte Maya Mitra Das est née en Inde et est arrivée aux États-Unis en 1973....
The verses of Maya Mitra Das plumb the alchemy of primeval moons and mist-wrapped mountains; delv...
The verses of Maya Mitra Das plumb the alchemy of primeval moons and mist-wrapped mountains; delv...
Eight writers -- four women and four men -- have gathered together to present this soul-stirring ...
The verses of Maya Mitra Das plumb the alchemy of primeval moons and mist-wrapped mountains; delv...
A Tale of Two Distinguished Gentlemen... 'Creativity flows like an endless river flowing through ...