In King's Vibrato Maurice O. Wallace explores the sonic character of Martin Luther King Jr.'s voi...
In King's Vibrato Maurice O. Wallace explores the sonic character of Martin Luther King Jr.'s voi...
'Ein achtjähriger Junge, der zur Amish-Sekte gehört, ist zufällig Zeuge eines brutalen Mordes gew...
Maurice O. Wallace is Associate Professor of English and African & African American Studies at Du...
'Highly original and deeply probing in its analyses into the intricacies of its topic, 'Construct...
Pictures and Progress explores how, during the nineteenth century and the early twentieth, promin...
'Highly original and deeply probing in its analyses into the intricacies of its topic, 'Construct...
Election Laws of Indiana. With Instructions to Voters and Election Officers
Election Laws of Indiana. With Instructions to Voters and Election Officers