In this intriguing set of 'no holds barred' verbal exchanges, advocates for the Lord and the Devi...
Conventional wisdom would tell us that money and religion are mutually exclusive entities. It's e...
This sermon series for Lent Easter is fast-paced and illustrated with stories and anecdotes that ...
For centuries, the cross has been the central symbol of Christianity -- and the 'Seven Last Words...
Many voices are calling for the church to offer words of support and counsel to individuals and f...
Prophets have not done well in history -- at least not by ordinary standards:Elijah seemed to be...
Feasts and festivals are a central part of many cultures, and for Christians there is no more imp...
The New Testament epistles are a marvelous guidebook full of practical wisdom on living the Chris...
...we often deceive ourselves. If Plato advised 'know thyself'and if his teacher, Socrates, said ...
While the gospel continually calls us to broaden our vision, the temptation today is to narrow ou...