A fully illustrated, concise narrative history of the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend from J...
La división Wiking en el Cáucaso, 1942-1943
Zitadelle : el SS-Panzerkorps en combate, julio 1943
Festung Kowel : asedio y liberación. marzo-abril de 1944
The book describes the Italian military campaign in the Balkans, between October 1940 and spring ...
The Italian Army in the Battle of the Alps 1940
A new book-magazine dedicated to the history of the Axis formations during the Second World War, ...
Book magazine dedicated to the German, Italian and Japanese armed forces and their allies during ...
Book magazine dedicated to the German, Italian and Japanese armed forces and their allies during ...
Michael Wittmann (Vogelthal, 22 aprile 1914 - Caen, 8 agosto 1944) Fu un famoso ufficiale delle W...
Book magazine dedicated to the German, Italian and Japanese armed forces and their allies during ...
In this issue: - The battle for Narva 1944 2nd part - Georg Diers Tank Commander - Albanian eleme...