In this third of a three-book series, Ellie the Electron adventures into the subatomic world. Sim...
In the final part of a three-book series, Ellie the Electron adventures into the subatomic world....
Discover the power of curiosity and resilience through a conversation between a spunky young prot...
Take a peek inside the mysterious world of living things! Learn alongside inspirational women bio...
Delve into the wonders of physics! Learn alongside inspirational women physicists whose innovatio...
Follow Pete the Proton, Ned the Neutron, and Ellie the Electron, who get together to build everyt...
Jump into the awesomeness of chemistry! Learn alongside inspirational women chemists whose innova...
Spark scientific curiosity in kids of all ages! In this second of a three-book series, Pete the P...
Jump into the awesomeness of chemistry! Learn alongside inspirational women chemists whose innova...
In this first of a three-book series, Pete the Proton, Ned the Neutron, and Ellie the Electron ge...
Love the Science Wide Open series? Keep the educational fun going with a new coloring book compan...