The experiences of an Asian-American woman in the hallowed halls of Yale University's School of M...
A true story.Mary Faderan's mother, Sally Faderan, was almost 80 years old in 2011.She was a viva...
What Jesus Said and How to Live It is a collection of His words from the Four Gospels and essays ...
Love in the Time of Terror is about an American woman, Rebecca Bartholomew who is stranded in Lon...
The Loveable Resident is a fictional story about a surgical resident, Mike Oates, who is on a tra...
Life Lessons: Ruminations on Life of a Human on Earth, Essays by Mary Faderan.Mary's essays are w...
A Parisian girl falls for a scientist where she works as a laboratory technician, but other event...
Loveable Resident is a fictional story about a surgical resident, Mike Oates, who is on a traject...