Lizzie and Her Friends is a novel written by Mary F. Butts in 1884. The story follows the life of...
''A Fence of Trust'' is a novel written by Mary F. Butts and published in 1898. The story revolve...
Puppy is sure to be a cute creature. Everyone wants a puppy in their house. But how to educate th...
Puppy is sure to be a cute creature. Everyone wants a puppy in their house. But how to educate th...
The short stories of Mary Butts (1890-1937) possess an intriguing relation to the present moment....
Mary Butts had a keen interest in classical history, and an imagination tuned to understanding th...
'The eleven essays and 117 literary reviews gathered in this book were written largely between 19...
Ashe of Rings and Other Writings is our fourth Recovered Classics edition collecting the works of...