Mind zoomers have a habit of less velocity thinking along with creative pictures to remember in t...
Physically impaired people are often challenged by their physical inability to move around. In no...
Fingerprint recognition is a advanced approach for security management which supports by authenti...
Les personnes handicapées physiques sont souvent confrontées à l'incapacité physique de se déplac...
Le persone con disabilità fisiche sono spesso messe alla prova dalla loro incapacità fisica di mu...
Os deficientes físicos são muitas vezes desafiados pela sua incapacidade física para se moverem. ...
Körperlich beeinträchtigte Menschen werden oft durch ihre körperliche Unfähigkeit, sich zu bewege...
Niepe¿nosprawni fizycznie s¿ cz¿sto kwestionowane przez ich fizyczn¿ niezdolno¿¿ do poruszania si...
Fysiek gehandicapte mensen worden vaak uitgedaagd door hun fysieke onvermogen om zich te verplaat...
Las personas físicamente impedidas a menudo se ven desafiadas por su incapacidad física para move...
This edited book discusses the challenges in handling medical data to provide effective healthcar...