Niklas Luhmann is recognised as a major social theorist, and his treatise on the sociology of law...
Do Organisations have Feelings? argues that anyadequate explanation of the way organizations func...
This book is about China's role in the world to come and includes the author's recent exploration...
This book is about China's role in the world to come and includes the author's recent exploration...
Niklas Luhmann is recognised as a major social theorist, and his treatise on the sociology of law...
This volume serves as a companion to Martin Albrow's previous book China's Role in the Shared Com...
This volume serves as a companion to Martin Albrow's previous book China's Role in the Shared Com...
Many authors who discuss the idea of globalization see it as continuing pre-established paths of ...
In 14 bislang unveröffentlichten Essays entwickelt der britische Soziologe Martin Albrow seine Th...
IDo Organizations Have Feelings? argues that any adequate organizational narrative for today must...
Public life is dominated from time to time by media storms around integrity. The behaviour of ele...