Mildred's Boys and Girls is a novel by Martha Finley, first published in 1914. The story revolves...
Martha Finley was a 19th century American author of children's stories.Her characters were good c...
The Elsie Dinsmore Novels, Martha Finley, in our opinion is the author of the best Series of nove...
Reproduction of the original: Elsie On the Hudson and Elsewhereby Martha Finley
Reproduction of the original: Elsie Yatching With the Raymondsby Martha Finley
The school-room at Roselands was a very pleasant apartment; the ceiling, it is true, was somewhat...
There, there, little woman! light of my eyes, and core of my heart! if you don't stop this pretty...
The Elsie Dinsmore Novels, Martha Finley, in our opinion is the author of the best Series of nove...
Reproduction of the original: Mildred¿s New Daughter by Martha Finley
Great classic for teenagers. Easy to read for all ages. This book has been deemed as a classic an...
This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to lit...