Synopsis: Veterans' Tales is a collection of stories about veterans. Intrigue, Adventure, and Mys...
The character Truda Reinhardt is first introduced in the book The Wrong Side of Service as a teen...
Drug dealers have taken control local Texas governments and are sending innocent police officers ...
Drug dealers have taken control of local Texas governments and are sending innocent police office...
The Middle East War has all-women crew members flying the new C-50 vertical-takeoff transport and...
Two retired federal agents are drawn back investigate the questionable death of a retired brother...
Mike Marshall, a Marine's Marine, volunteered for Viet Nam to avenge the death of his Marine fath...
From strange storm clouds along the Southern Gulf Coast, military aircraft lost in 1943 are retur...
Enter the new secret cyber world of remote-controlled Light Observation Attack Helicopters - LOAH...
This is an action adventure novel set in Southeast Asia at the end of the Viet Nam War. It is a h...
Synopsis: Women's Tales is a collection of fiction stories about women. Each story is different f...