Volume two of the acclaimed three-volume series on modern Japanese colonialism and imperialismThi...
Building upon a previous study of Japan's colonial empire, this volume examines the period from 1...
These essays, by thirteen specialists from Japan and the United States, provide a comprehensive v...
Building upon a previous study of Japan's colonial empire, this volume examines the period from 1...
With this book the editors complete the three-volume series on modern Japanese colonialism and im...
This acclaimed sequel to the Peattie Evans prizewinning work, Kaigun, illuminates the rise of Jap...
Building upon a previous study of Japan's colonial empire, this volume examines the period from 1...
This project offers the first English-language general history of military operations during the ...
This project offers the first English-language general history of military operations during the ...
'[This] comprehensive and fascinating book adds greatly to our knowledge of Micronesia's recent h...