A trove of forgotten letters reveals a love that defied a world war.In 1924, eight-year old Rob...
Monsters, robots, a sinister villain... And a boy who's about to discover that the only way to de...
In his undead quest for justice, Felix Gomez-detective vampire extraordinaire-has traveled from d...
Two books, one anthology.The grift. The scam. The double-cross. Blackmail and burglary; murder an...
Two books, one anthology.The grift. The scam. The double-cross. Blackmail and burglary; murder an...
A trove of forgotten letters reveals a love that defied a world war.In 1924, eight-year old Rob...
Seventeen stories screaming past the red line, tires tearing across the highway, guns stained wit...
During the Covid-19 pandemic, award-winning author and artist Mario Acevedo chronicled life in lo...
Some say the Arbitrators existed long before the universe was born. Others believe their dark pow...
In this inaugural anthology, CALMA-the Colorado Alliance of Latino Mentors and Authors-presents a...
Felix has survived Operation Iraqi Freedom, being turned into a vampire, and a ravenous horde of ...
A sure-to-be-bloody civil war is brewing between rival werewolf factions, and P.I . Felix Gomez w...