'Very seldom does one come across so inspiring a volume. . . . It belongs in every Irish-American...
In his autobiography Moltmann tells his engaging and searching life story, from his Hamburg youth...
In this masterful analysis of the religious and political dilemmas at the end of the modern age, ...
Intends to bring together the biblical, historical, and theological elements of an integrated Chr...
Deutero-Isaiah's work, which comprises Isaiah chapters 40-55, has exerted its influence on testim...
In this distinguished commentary, Wolff's task is to defend Haggai as much more than a minor prop...
In this volume, the final in his series of systematic 'contributions' to theology, Moltmann looks...
How does Christian ethics begin? This pioneering study explores the grammar of the Christian life...
In this remarkable and timely work -- in many ways the culmination of his systematic theology -- ...
In the context of forest sustainability, this book presents the issues related to both global cli...
''In my end is my beginning, '' wrote T. S. Eliot, and Jrgen Moltmann's new book is a powerful te...