Alternately lauded as a democratic success story and decried as a flawed democracy, Indonesia des...
The presidency of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-14) was a watershed in Indonesia's modern democr...
Based on a decade of research in Indonesia, this book provides an in-depth account of the militar...
In the late 1990s, prominent scholars of civil-military relations detected a decline in the polit...
In 2016, Freedom House recorded the eleventh consecutive year of declining democratic freedoms, a...
The book description text is repeated (2 times, one after the other). Rather than you reading thr...
Based on a decade of research in Indonesia, this book provides an in-depth account of the militar...
This book provides a fine grained analysis of the internal workings of political parties in Indon...
'The book explains why Indonesia's presidential system turned from an extraordinarily unstable po...