New from the animator and illustrator behind your favorite DreamWorks and Netflix films, the next...
Building on the foundation established with the first book in the series, Framed Perspective 2 gu...
'In exquisite and thoughtful detail, Mateu-Mestre lays out distinct approaches to drawing in the ...
The highly anticipated follow-up to Framed Ink from Marcos Mateu-Mestre, Framed Ink 2 provides in...
The ultimate guide to visual storytelling! How to make the audience 'feel' the story while they a...
'Perspective is a discipline often set aside when it comes to general art study, though it is ess...
Perspectiva 2 : técnicas para dibujar sombras, volumen y personajes
Técnicas de dibujo : dominio del bolígrafo, lápiz de grafito y herramientas digitales
Perspectiva 1 : técnica y narración visual