The full-fledged Russian invasion of Ukraine is a wake-up call. There is no way to ignore the dee...
In Being and Time, Heidegger announced the 'Task of Destroying the History of Ontology' in order ...
Time and Form is a collection of essays on philosophy, art and politics based on courses held by ...
Omnipresent in popular culture, especially in film and literature, the theme of the 'end of the w...
This book is a celebration. It praises the many innovative aspects of Irina Sandomirskaja's contr...
This is an edited collection of original essays that combine philosophy, phenomenology, and liter...
Proposes a theoretically rich treatment of temporality within exile as 'gerundive' time.
This highly original collection of essays contributes to a critique of the common understanding o...
The 'end of the world' opens up philosophical questions concerning the very notion of the world, ...
Proposes a theoretically rich treatment of temporality within exile as 'gerundive' time.