RESÚMEN Se planteo el siguiente problema: ¿Cuál es el nivel de conocimiento y actitudes acerca de...
This first volume of the three-volume set (CCIS 1193, CCIS 1194, and CCIS 1195) constitutes the r...
This monograph is the first in which the theory of groupoids and algebroids is applied to the stu...
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applie...
This book provides readers with an insight into information and knowledge in the Internet of Thin...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed papers of the Second International Conference on Ap...
This second volume of the three-volume set (CCIS 1193, CCIS 1194, and CCIS 1195) constitutes the ...
This thirs volume of the three-volume set (CCIS 1193, 1194, 1195) constitutes the refereed procee...
El precepto constitucional del Vivir Bien, intenta traducirse en políticas públicas del Estado Pl...
O preceito constitucional de Viver Bem tenta ser traduzido nas políticas públicas do Estado Pluri...
The constitutional precept of Living Well tries to be translated into public policies of the Plur...
Konstitucionnaq zapowed' 'Zhit' horosho' pytaetsq woplotit'sq w gosudarstwennoj politike Mnogonac...