In westlichen Demokratien häufen sich Fälle von rechtem Terrorismus. Die innere Sicherheit und da...
About the authorMarc Vincenz is Swiss-British, was born in Hong Kong, and currently divides his t...
This book starts out listening for bees, and hears none, the listener being something of a pupa i...
Marc Vincenz is a prize-winning Anglo-Swiss-American poet, a fiction writer, translator, editor, ...
In America, we tend to look at poetry written in English in siloed ways, according to rubrics tha...
In a descent toward what might make our epoch sing in its most falsetto pitch, Vincenz troubles o...
Mark Vincenz is a poet, fiction writer, translator, editor, musician, and artist. He has publishe...
Marc Vinzenz' Dichtung ist nicht auf sofortiges Verständnis angelegt, vielmehr zwingt sie den Les...
Eros and Thanatos. Love and Death. The majestic themes of life and literature that characterize J...
In subtitling this book 'A Divine Comedy,' the poet Marc Vincenz brushes up against Dante, and ye...
Spanning the emergence of the Italian Renaissance and out of the darkness of the medieval era, fr...