Designing Intelligent Software System for software defect prediction (SDP) is an important challe...
Reliability is one of the most critical and fundamental aspects while evaluating any software. Wi...
Die Entwicklung eines intelligenten Softwaresystems für die Vorhersage von Softwarefehlern (SDP) ...
La progettazione di un sistema software intelligente per la previsione dei difetti del software (...
La conception d'un système logiciel intelligent pour la prédiction des défauts logiciels (SDP) es...
Proektirowanie intellektual'noj programmnoj sistemy dlq predskazaniq defektow programmnogo obespe...
Projetar um Sistema Inteligente de Software para predição de defeitos de software (SDP) é um impo...
El diseño de un sistema de software inteligente para la predicción de defectos de software (SDP) ...
Data Communication and Computer network plays a vital role in network design and management so un...
Machine learning is important because it gives enterprises a view of trends in customer behavior ...
Fachbuch aus dem Fachbereich Informatik - Software, Amity University, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract:...
Document in the subject Mathematics - General, Basics, , language: English, abstract: Chapter 1: ...