The accidental discoveries in alloying have transformed the standard of living for the civilizati...
The book is devoted on development of dual phase (DP) steels and factors affecting its mechanical...
Das Buch widmet sich der Entwicklung von Dualphasenstählen (DP) und den Faktoren, die ihre mechan...
O livro é dedicado ao desenvolvimento de aços de dupla fase (DP) e factores que afectam as suas p...
El libro está dedicado al desarrollo de los aceros de doble fase (DP) y a los factores que afecta...
Ce livre est consacré au développement des aciers à double phase (DP) et aux facteurs affectant l...
Takes a unique approach to exploring the efficient management of resources in the era of resource...
Takes a unique approach to exploring the efficient management of resources in the era of resource...