Cloud computing is one of the most promising distributed field, which has given the new face to t...
Our current understanding of the strong interaction of hadrons is that they are described by QCD,...
The book 'Pharmacovigilance' describes the pathway to understand that pharmacovigilance plays a s...
The manualjournal gives necessary details to perform the experiments. Most of the experiments are...
The properties of fundamental particles and their interactions are described by the Standard Mode...
All the experiments are described in a uniform format - list of objectives, an introduction, nece...
As the demand for aesthetic treatments is increasing, more people are seeking alternatives to fix...
La computación en nube es uno de los campos distribuidos más prometedores, que ha dado una nueva ...
Oblachnye wychisleniq - odna iz samyh perspektiwnyh raspredelennyh oblastej, kotoraq pridala nowo...
A computação em nuvem é um dos campos distribuídos mais promissores, o que deu a nova face ao cam...
Cloud Computing ist einer der vielversprechendsten verteilten Bereiche, der dem verteilten Bereic...
Il cloud computing è uno dei campi distribuiti più promettenti, che ha dato un nuovo volto al set...