The book will assess the potential role of two medicinal plant (Plantago major and Moringa oleife...
During the last two or three decades, a new field of research have arised which deals with bioact...
Milk proteins consist of casein micelles and whey proteins. Heat treatments cause denaturation of...
Milchproteine bestehen aus Kaseinmizellen und Molkeproteinen. Wärmebehandlungen bewirken eine Den...
Les protéines du lait sont constituées de micelles de caséine et de protéines de lactosérum. Les ...
Le proteine ¿¿del latte sono costituite da micelle di caseina e proteine ¿¿del siero di latte. I ...
As proteínas do leite consistem em micelas de caseína e proteínas de soro de leite. Os tratamento...
Melkeiwitten bestaan ¿¿uit caseïne-micellen en wei-eiwitten. Warmtebehandelingen veroorzaken dena...
Provides the most recent developments in microscopy techniques and types of analysis used to stud...
Casein: Structural Properties, Uses, Health Benefits and Nutraceutical Applications investigates ...