This book presents an overview of the recent findings in the biology of neutrophils. These cells ...
Does your breath smell awful no matter how much you brush your teeth? Do you have friends and fam...
Periodontitis is a chronic infectious inflammatory disease characterized by the destruction of te...
Periodontitis is a complex inflammatory disorder which is caused by various causative factors . O...
Die evidenzbasierte Pflege ist eine weltweite Bewegung in allen gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Dis...
Les soins fondés sur des données probantes constituent un mouvement mondial dans toutes les disci...
Evidence-based care is a global movement in all the health sciences disciplines. It represents a ...
La atención basada en la evidencia es un movimiento global en todas las disciplinas de las cienci...
Os cuidados baseados em provas são um movimento global em todas as disciplinas das ciências da sa...
L'assistenza basata sull'evidenza è un movimento globale in tutte le discipline delle scienze del...
La parodontite è una complessa patologia infiammatoria causata da diversi fattori causali. Uno de...
Parodontitis ist eine komplexe entzündliche Erkrankung, die durch verschiedene ursächliche Faktor...