The desire to balance between functional stability and cosmetic appeal in partial dentures gave r...
With Buonocore's discovery in 1955, the face of restorative was changed from a purely mechanical ...
Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD CAM) & 3D Printing technology has alrea...
Rehabilitation is a complex process of restoration following a major change.The maxillofacial def...
The denture base materials may discolour or deteriorate, whereas the artificial teeth can also di...
The most crucial stage in the replacement of a missing tooth using an implant supported prosthesi...
With the evolution and advancements in dental science, various new techniques and methods for the...
The concepts of biomedical engineering principles which are applied to the living systems has unf...
Naibolee wazhnym ätapom pri zamene nedostaüschego zuba s pomosch'ü proteza s oporoj na implantat ...
Najwäniejszym etapem uzupe¿nienia brakuj¿cego z¿ba za pomoc¿ protezy opartej na implantach jest o...
A fase mais crucial na substituição de um dente em falta utilizando uma prótese suportada por imp...
L'étape la plus cruciale du remplacement d'une dent manquante par une prothèse sur implant est la...