As the costs and resources of delivering health services have increased over the years, the impor...
Maize Breeding Research........This book is purely based on maize breeding research which deals w...
The present work is dedicated to the development and application of oxidative palladium(II)-catal...
The rediscovery of the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve healthcare delivery a...
The rediscovery of the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve healthcare delivery a...
Energy demand is one of the most threatening problems arising now days. This can be resolved by u...
Der Energiebedarf ist eines der bedrohlichsten Probleme der heutigen Zeit. Dieses Problem kann du...
La domanda di energia è uno dei problemi più minacciosi che si presentano al giorno d'oggi. Quest...
La demande en énergie est l'un des problèmes les plus menaçants de nos jours. Ce problème peut êt...
A procura de energia é um dos problemas mais ameaçadores que surgem hoje em dia. Isto pode ser re...
La demanda de energía es uno de los problemas más amenazadores que se plantean hoy en día. Esto p...
Spros na änergiü - odna iz naibolee ugrozhaüschih problem, woznikaüschih w nashi dni. Ona mozhet ...