Collected writings on Plato's unwritten teachings.
Statistical inferential methods are widely used in the study ofvarious physical, biological, soci...
This volume is a continuation of Unbiased Estimators andTheir Applications, Vol. I: Univariate Ca...
Parametric and semiparametric models are tools with a wide range of applications to reliability, ...
V knige rassmatrivaetsya inoe, nezheli tradicionnoe, opredelenie shodimosti nepreryvnyh drobej. N...
Probability, Statistics and Modelling in Public Health consists of refereed contributions by expe...
Drawing from the works of Plato and more contemporary philosophers such as Bakhtin, Buber, Taylor...
The book : 'System approach in modeling and research of metal processes' is intended for students...
Sbornik soderzhit stat'i, v kotoryh issledovany otdel'nye sjuzhety podgotovki i realizacii reform...
This is a quite exceptional book, a lively and approachable treatment of an important field of ma...
Puchki uskorennyh zaryazhennyh chastic v nastoyashhee vremya aktivno ispol'zujutsya ne tol'ko dly...
This book will be of interest to readers active in the fields of survival analysis, genetics, eco...