Plant diseases are caused by different groups of organisms belonging to fungi, bacteria, viruses,...
Buhgalterskij uchet i audit - äto dwa ochen' wazhnyh processa, swqzannyh s finansowoj deqtel'nost...
The field of human genetics, often synonymous with medical genetics, is concerned with the study ...
Traditionally plant diseases have been managed by the use of toxic chemicals. However, concern in...
Jeta kniga daet polnoe predstawlenie ob IT-infrastrukture i principah uprawleniq informaciej s sh...
Jeta kniga budet polezna tem, kto zanimaetsq issledowatel'skoj rabotoj w oblasti biomehaniki zhid...
Posle perwoj serii uprugih äxperimentow te zhe obrazcy byli postepenno nagruzheny w UTM do razrus...
Neblagopriqtnye lekarstwennye reakcii (NLR) na antigipertenziwnye sredstwa qwlqütsq rasprostranen...
Regeneratiwnaq ändodontiq - äto biologicheski obosnowannye procedury, naprawlennye na zameschenie...
Nesuschaq sposobnost' i osadka fundamenta - ser'eznoe qwlenie w nashi dni. Jeta kniga pomogaet iz...
Potrebiteli stali bolee oswedomleny o zdorow'e i ischut zdorowye probioticheskie analogi. Ishodq ...