Drawing on extensive research conducted by the Stanford University Forgiveness Project, this uniq...
Reviving Artemis is a provocative, often funny, and moving memoir about a middle-aged woman's que...
Ten Minutes to Learn One Minute to Practice Ten Seconds to WorkImagine if you could . . .Radicall...
Based on scientific research, this groundbreaking study from the frontiers of psychology and medi...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS AND REACTING GAS...
Basado en investigación científica, este revolucionario estudio ofrece una perspectiva reveladora...
Finding the love of your life and holding onto that relationship is more difficult than ever. The...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications PARALLEL SOLUTION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQU...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications MICROSTRUCTURE AND PHASE TRANSITION is based ...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications GRID GENERATION AND ADAPTIVE ALGORITHMS is ba...
THIS BOOK is a user's guide for individuals living withchallenges resulting from brain injuries a...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications RECENT ADVANCES IN ITERATIVE METHODS is based...