Jim Jarmusch lässt in seinem Kultfilm 'Paterson' den dichtenden Busfahrer Paterson - die Hauptfig...
Ron Padgetts 'How to Be Perfect' entwirft in 99 ebenso kuriosen wie erhellenden und zupackenden S...
Die legendäre Szene um Dichter wie Frank O'Hara und Künstler wie Jackson Pollock zog den jungen R...
'A wry, poignant reflection on aging from one of America's finest and most admired poets. Admired...
When a police officer stood at his bedroom door on 3 August 1982, Michael Hardwick had no idea th...
This is the first of four volumes of messages received by James Padgett. The first edition was pu...
Padgett Powell has been regarded as unique and one of the most exciting writers today. The New Yo...
This popular book, in which writers share the assignments that never fail to inspire their studen...
The second novella in a series of Murder On The Dance Floor Mysteries. Rachel Foxe is on a Salsa ...
HOW TO FIND & CREATE AN ORIGINAL ART MASTERPIECEAn Art Register for Artists, Curators and the ...
Harry Meyers is ill-equipped to handle funeral planning of any sort. If he had a goldfish and tha...
This is the 3rd Volume of messages received by James Padgett in 1914 to 1923. These contain a com...