Rising Tide depicts a world in which land is at a premium due to the advancing sea, where man's a...
Ben's best friend is killed in an underwater implosion on a dying world. Living to die again, the...
Aon, a solid core planet made from the priceless and most dense element in the galaxy, caladium, ...
In this, the third book in the Rising Tide Series, Ben, Eve and Pete continue to push through thi...
A looming darkness is engulfing the universe and time is running out.Darkness engulfs the univers...
Soaring on the Wings of Faith with PaPa and Lil' EdSay hi to Lil' Ed, a colorful caterpillar with...
Soaring on the Wings of Faith with PaPa and Lil' EdSay hi to Lil' Ed, a colorful caterpillar with...
A looming darkness is engulfing the universe and time is running out. As they plunge deeper into ...