'This man of God has touched the lives of millions...in virtually every corner of the globe. He l...
Powerful principles from the life of Peter, delineated for us by the dynamic South American evang...
Many individuals today want to do it alone, without God. Either they feel no need for God, or the...
The Mediterranean Sea, as a 'centre' of the ancient world, has been early recognized as a laborat...
Los defectos refractivos (miopía, hipermetropía y astigmatismo) son el principal motivo de consul...
Is God relevant? In this intriguing work, internationally renowned author and public speaker Luis...
Escrito por uno de los evangelistas más importantes de nuestros tiempos, el Dr. Luis Palau. Un li...
Have you been called to tell the story?Maybe you think you would like to serve God as a full-time...
Have you been called to tell the story?Maybe you think you would like to serve God as a full-time...
Seasons of Refreshing: Evangelism and Revivals in America
Sharing your faith doesn't have to be difficult!The biblical model for personal evangelism was re...