From two distinguished academics, Stars: The Film Reader brings together key writings and new per...
Noting that motherhood is a common metaphor for film production, Lucy Fischer undertakes the firs...
Cinemagritte: Rene Magritte within the Frame of Film History, Theory, and Practice investigates t...
Cinemagritte: Rene Magritte within the Frame of Film History, Theory, and Practice investigates t...
Do films made by women comprise a 'counter-cinema' radically different from the dominant traditio...
Do films made by women comprise a 'counter-cinema' radically different from the dominant traditio...
A collaboration between Lucy Rose Fischer and her late brother, The Journalist tells the story of...
Noting that motherhood is a common metaphor for film production, Lucy Fischer undertakes the firs...
This intriguing volume sheds light on the diverse world of collecting film- and media-related mat...
This intriguing volume sheds light on the diverse world of collecting film- and media-related mat...
Douglas Sirk (Claus Detler Sierck) was born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1900. He made nine films befo...
Lucy Fischer-West knows the power of birthplace and of borders and rivers. This memoir begins wit...