Dieser Band versammelt eine Auswahl von Vorträgen, die auf dem Platonicum XII. Symposium über Pla...
This original collection of essays by some of the best world specialists of ancient Greek philoso...
The original essays in this volume continue the collective exploration of the texts attributed to...
A parallel investigation of both Plato's Timaeusand the contemporary standard Big Bang model of t...
Plato's theory of erôs is, along with the theory of intelligible forms, one of the cornerstones o...
We think of myth as a fictional story, and Plato was the first to use the term muthos in that sen...
Discusses the impact of the Greek discovery of the 'cosmos” on man's perception of his place in t...
In this concise but wide-ranging study, Luc Brisson describes how the myths of Greece and Rome we...
A parallel investigation of both Plato's Timaeusand the contemporary standard Big Bang model of t...
The original essays in this volume continue the collective exploration of the texts attributed to...
The articles in this volume are a selection of the papers presented during the Symposium Platonic...
The articles in this volume are a selection of the papers presented during the Symposium Platonic...