Against the backdrop of 1920s Hollywood, a young fairy godmother on a mission is embroiled in mal...
For this anthology, Madville Publishing sought out stories, real or imagined, that explore all va...
Taboos and Transgressions: Stories of Wrongdoings, is an anthology that includes fiction and nonf...
For this anthology, Muddy Backroads: Stories from off the beaten path, the editors asked for stor...
Taboos and Transgressions: Stories of Wrongdoings, is an anthology that includes fiction and nonf...
'Abandoned as a child in turn-of-the-century Paris, Yvette Lenoir has longed to uncover the secre...
'Sidra didn't murder her husband. Yet even a jinni can't wish away a wrongful imprisonment. Deter...
'After a nearly fatal blow to the skull, traumatized private detective Ian Cameron is found dazed...
Fleeing Victorian London, a witch finds her newfound independence comes with all-new perils--both...
'Under the full moon of World War I, a baleful curse threatens to tear apart a witch's found fami...
Sinnliches Parfüm und französisches Flair!Frankreich zur Jahrhundertwende: Sidra wird beschuldigt...