One woman hiding from family abuse and another seeking her lost family each discover that happine...
Her father steals stolen gold, but she is hunted by the real robbers and held prisoner by a Pinke...
IN A STEWCatrine Powell and her sister were forced to leave their Utah home after their overbeari...
Sandi Cramer's TV show, Love Cookin', is nominated for an Emmy. She can't forget her early years ...
Carrie faces a problem that's becoming more common--caring for a grandparent with Alzheimer's Dis...
Torie, the owner of a costume shop in Tucson, finds an ancient-looking Native American bowl under...
Exiles in a Global City explores how early modern Irish migrants in Rome represented their cultur...
The Lady Next Door: A Romantic Suspense
Ginger only agreed to go out with Ward because their mothers were such good friends. When the mom...