In their next adventure, the Geeky Fab Five discover a hidden garden filled with Monarch butterfl...
'When a tornado rips through the town of Normal, the local animal shelter is devastated leaving m...
Rainbow volcano cakes, glitter you can eat, and an effort to help end student hunger at Earhart E...
What do you get when you put 5 girls (and a snarky cat) in a RV and send them to the Great Smoky ...
Lucy Monroe's first day at Earhart Elementary is one for the yearbook: By recess she has launched...
Rainbow volcano cakes, glitter you can eat, and an effort to help end student hunger at Earhart E...
When girls stick together, they can do anything! No one knows that better than the Geeky Fab Five...
Twelve year-old writer Lucy Lareau, collaborates with her mom, Liz, and artist Ryan Jampole (Arti...
'The Geeky F@b 5 find a hidden garden behind their school filled with Monarch butterflies and hon...
What do you get when you put 5 girls (and a snarky cat) in a RV and send them to the Great Smoky ...
Lucy Monroe's first day at Earhart Elementary is one for the yearbook: By recess she has launched...
When girls stick together, they can do anything! No one knows that better than the Geeky Fab Five...