In 1971, orphan Marlise Schade-fourteen, anorectic, and evicted from the psychiatric hospital her...
In 1971, orphan Marlise Schade-fourteen, anorectic, and evicted from the psychiatric hospital her...
Thrumming with the triune hungers of mind, mouth, and spirit, Lisa Russ Spaar's fifth book plumbs...
Poet Lisa Russ Spaar collects fifty contemporary poems - most original to this anthology - that e...
It is the rare individual who has not, at one time or another, been kept awake for hours on end -...
With her trademark language-baroque yet colloquial, immediately recognizable but impossible to du...
A collection of poems about London which is suitable for: the student abroad for a semester, the ...
Our rampant selfie-taking moment (via Snapchat, Tinder, and YouTube, e.g.) showcases what America...
'(Her poetry) is the perfect marriage of the realism of William Carlos Williams and the sleepless...
In Blue Venus, Lisa Russ Spaar explores the intimate relationship between the sensual and the sac...
This career-spanning volume portrays in stunning fashion Lisa Russ Spaar's exquisite obsessions: ...
Thrumming with the triune hungers of mind, mouth, and spirit, Lisa Russ Spaar's fifth book plumbs...