The epic story following six young people as they struggle to survive and pursue their dream of i...
From its earliest days, Boston decreed that its children be taught to read and write English and ...
This special issue of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation provides an opportunity to characterise s...
Rehabilitation provides a core concept around which to organise support, intervention and care fo...
The relevance of cognitive rehabilitation for people with dementia is becoming increasingly accep...
Prayers for Parents of Prodigals
This special issue of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation provides an opportunity to characterise s...
Will the Lakota Star Quilt she is making help Frankie sew a new future of happiness?
Introduces a conceptual framework and rationale for the application of a neuropsychological rehab...
'The national struggle to ban child labor began in the mid-19th century and ended with the passag...
The first authoritative reference on clinical psychology and aging, the Handbook of the Clinical ...
What makes this book an important addition to a writer's bookshelf?