In this sequel to Film, Horror, and the Body Fantastic, Badley examines horror fiction as a fanta...
This book argues that adaptation is an underrecognized yet constitutive element of Nordic noir. I...
This book argues that adaptation is an underrecognized yet constitutive element of Nordic noir. I...
Critical Approaches to Sjón: North of the Sun is the first English-language book-length study of ...
'A groundbreaking collection, with an all-star feminist cast of editors and contributors, Indie R...
Linda Badley is a professor of English at Middle Tennessee State University. She is the author of...
Traditions in World Cinema brings together a colorful and wide ranging collection of world cinema...
'A groundbreaking collection, with an all-star feminist cast of editors and contributors, Indie R...
Linda Badley offers an in-depth examination of Lars von Trier¿s Antichrist (2009), Melancholia (2...