Travel narratives and historical works shaped the perception of Muslims and the East in the Vict...
These contributions offer fundamental insights into how literary works address and reconceptualiz...
This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the Medieval English Studies Symposium he...
This book contains papers written by international scholars concerned with the works by the Nobel...
This volume, entitled Of what is past, or passing, or to come: Travelling in Time and Space in Li...
Literature in English is a term that has recently appeared to include both English literature in ...
This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the Medieval English Studies Symposium he...
Empty treasure chests dumped from departed ships is a quotation taken from David Dabydeen's poem ...
This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the Medieval English Studies Symposium he...
The volume contains three linguistic and four literary papers. The linguistic papers are devoted ...
Literature in English is a term that has recently appeared to include both English literature in ...
The continuous interest in medieval literature, history and culture, has resulted in a significan...