'All Things Are Possible' through Lev Shestov is a philosophical exploration that delves into the...
Lev Shestov's By Faith Alone confronts Eastern and Western European conceptions of faith through ...
This is many of the old books which has been considered important throughout the human history. T...
The book, '' Anton Tchekhov, and Other Essays '' , has been considered important throughout the h...
Taking the words of Jesus that 'With God, all things are possible', he [Shestov] extrapolates a p...
'Anton Tchekhov' by Lev Shestov is an imaginative adventure in which the profound philosophies of...
For more than two thousand years, philosophers and theologians have wrestled with the irreconcila...
Taking the words of Jesus that 'With God, all things are possible', he [Shestov] extrapolates a p...
Penultimate Words, and Other Essays